ECNL Regional League

ECNL Regional League
ECNL Regional League

Player Expectations

Player Expectations

As long as I am a Tulsa Soccer Club player,

I will:

  • Play for the good of the game
  • Promise to attend training sessions and games.  I understand my attendance at training (AND TRAINING ON MY OWN) is what helps me improve my soccer skills and my understanding of the game. I understand the amount of playing time I receive in games will be based on my game performance, determination in practice, punctuality, and attitude. I know that I may receive more or less playing time than my team members and playing time is not guaranteed.
  • WATCH THE GAME!  Be a student of the game by finding soccer on TV and watching games. Players can learn so much by watching games!  Besides soccer on TV you should watch your fellow Tulsa Soccer Club teams anytime you can.
  • Have a positive and never quit attitude.  Exemplify and demonstrate sportsmanship at all times
  • Support your club and teammates at all times
  • Fulfill my financial commitments to the team/club
  • Win without boasting:  Be generous when you win; graceful when you lose
  • Conduct myself with class and dignity…be professional at all times !!!
  • Respect all officials and coaches and accept their decisions without question
  • Give encouragement to my fellow teammates
  • Attend & be prompt to all games & practices
  • Immediately report any injury to my coach
  • Respect my coach & my opponents
  • Abide by my coach’s decision regarding playing time and positioning
  • Learn and obey the laws of the game
  • Practice individual soccer skills on my own time at least 3-4 times per week
  • Notify the coach or team manager if I will be late for or unable to attend a game, training session, or team meeting
  • Learn the rules, policies & procedures of the Team & Club
  • Approach the Coach with any personal soccer related problems
  • Be the BEST that I can be at all times; for myself, my team, my club and my family

I will never :

  • Negatively speak or encourage negative actions towards my teammates, coaches, or club via online social media platforms, forums, or text messaging. 
  • Engage in dissent toward an official or coach nor use profane or vulgar language
  • Leave a game field or training session without the permission of my coach
  • Use a controlled substance (drugs), tobacco products, or drink alcoholic beverages. 

It is the firm commitment of Tulsa SC to take an active role in the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse. Our policy is no drugs, no alcohol, and no destructive behavior. We will involve ourselves with the player and parents any time that a situation has an impact on our Club or its members.  However, the parent has the ultimate responsibility for their son or daughter.  Violation of this policy may be the basis for suspension or dismissal from the team, or for requiring that a player return home early from an out-of-town tournament at the parent’s expense.

All players are expected to know these expectations and therefore there is no excuse for not understanding and abiding by them at all times. 

Contact Info

Contact Info

Tulsa Soccer Club
1325 E. 15th St.
Suite 202
Tulsa, OK 74120

(918) 550-5807